Tenri primary school, among other schools national wide resumed back for Term 3 officially on 5th January 2022. This is the last term of 2021 academic year, which will officially end on 1st March 2022, followed by class 8 prayers day on 5th March 2022 and later on KCPE will take place from 7th to 10th March 2022. This will be the busiest and shortest academic year in 8-4-4 Education system in Kenya. As the pupils resume back, we wish them the best of luck in their studies and especially the 2022 candidates who will be sitting for their final exams in the next 2 months. Below are some pictures of some of pupils after settling for the first day in class for the third term 2021/2022.

class 8 West pupils( candidates) preparing for their first class of science third term 2021/2022.
class 8 East pupils(candidates) sitting for their first class 3rd term 2021/2022.
Baby class pupils after resumption.
Grade one East pupils.
Grade 2 East pupils first day in school for term 3 2021/2022
PP2 pupils in class enjoying their first tea-break term 3 2021/2022.
Grade 2 pupils.