:: Education ::

Being an educational project that has continued since the beginning, ACEF has expanded its scope to support elementary school, offer support to vocational training school to lead from primary education to employment, and school attendance support to AIDS orphans.
>> Environment conservation <<

We conduct afforestation projects and tree planting activities for greening education promotion, seminars for organic farming techniques dissemination and environmental conservation, recycling business for garbage composting, and nurturing people who become leaders of environmental education.
:: Medical Support ::

Three clinics and AIDS care centers in Kenya are in operation. We also provide good quality cheap drugs (drugs are basically expensive as most imported goods), and contribute to local medical care.
>> AIDS orphan facility <<
“Jump and Smile Center” (Japan name: Hope House)

Kenya’s average life expectancy is 67 years old, and it is said that about 9% of the population is infected with HIV. In such a situation, many children are born infected with HIV and lose their parents at early ages. ACEF tries to help this kind of innocent children,therefore we investigated the family environment of some of the orphans and constructed and operated a home of hope “Hope House”.
AIDS infected orphans that have been born with AIDS and lost their parents to AIDS can be taken over by grandmothers and other relatives. However, because many families may not be able to support them, We provide guidance on food aid and nutritional supplement.
In addition to receiving wrong prejudice and discrimination from the surroundings, there are many children who can not attend school, they live in a relieved and relaxed manner, and in addition to studying, special skills such as songs, pictures and dances are extended. In order to be able to open up a future path with things such as making things, we received the support of the Japan International Cooperation Foundation and built the “Hope House” for HIV / AIDS infected orphan facilities.
After a survey, 32 children were selected from January 2013, especially children who are in severe environments, and some children go to elementary school for the first time at the age of 10. We have built a clinic next to ‘Hope House’ in order to provide medical support to children in the neighborhood and clinics not in the vicinity.