Tenri primary school, among other schools national wide resumed back for Term 3 officially on 5th January 2022. This is the last term of 2021 academic year, which will officially end on 1st March 2022, followed by class 8 prayers day on 5th March 2022 and later on KCPE will take place from 7th to […]

Tenri Joyous Park is located at around 1.5 Kilometers off Machang’a market, along Embu Kitui road. The project initially started in the year 2017 as a way to earn income for the general running of the Jump and Smile Orphanage center. The project was also established as a way to improve the general development of […]

Tenri Primary School in conjunction with ACEF was honored to host the Kenya-Japan Cultural day which was held on Saturday 13th of November 2021.The participants of the day included the Japan Information and Cultural Center, Jufred Academy, Esther Achievers, Jump and Smile Orphanage Center and the host Tenri Primary School. On this fateful day, different […]

On 13th March 2018, ACEF volunteers participated in floor Painting in making of a badminton court. This has increased sporting opportunities for both the students at the primary school as well as those at the technical training department.

Kambakia area in Meru is about 100 kilometers from our offices in Embu. This is the village where ACEF offices were fist established and the activities first introduced. It is a place where we opened the first hospital, and it is a memorable village that was a home for ACEF Director’s family for 6 years […]

Tenri Primary School officially reported back on 3rd January for the 1st term, 2019.They started with Chorus Group activity with Japanese Volunteers, who are taking part in various activities including teaching, playing with the children and making of the basketball court among other activities.